Risk Management

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30 years of experience in Risk Management

Running a business is never risk-free and in our IT dependent, boundless society, it has become particularly difficult to predict threats that could damage important parts of a business. These may include internal security deficiencies as well as external threats from, for example, criminal networks and global actors who wish to increase their influence at the expense of others. The Swedish Security Service, SÄPO, believes that the situation is critical and that risk awareness must increase in Swedish companies and authorities. In other words, we are in dire need of developing our ability to quickly identify, prioritize and manage threats to everything from staff to property. 

Our senior security advisors have more than 30 years of combined experience in police work and can assist with advice in both proactive risk minimization and reactive risk management. We have great flexibility and offer comprehensive support with everything from investigations and background checks to personal protection and ongoing training efforts. If you also need cyber security support, we can offer a tailor-made package of services that includes this. As our partner, you get the help you need to increase your own ability to conduct structured security work with a focus on preventative measures – your best defense.

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If you want to avoid unintentionally harboring criminals or bullying through your business, you need to know who your customers are. Our security advisers investigate incorrect rental conditions with for example illegal leases where business premises are used for money laundering and homes are used for benefit fraud. We also have the opportunity to map criminal networks with informal leaders and investigate cases of blackmail, bribery, threats and suspicions of internal crime. By investigating, identifying and securing evidence of illegality, you can make future crimes more difficult. This leads to fewer expensive emergency calls and minimizes the risk of damage to your business. 

Background Checks

In recruiting, acquiring, hiring and other contract situations, it is important to check the identity and background of the counterparties. Business decisions and contracts based on incorrect background data can be very costly and cause a variety of other problems. Do not hesitate to contact us for assistance with identity verification before making such decisions. Our security advisers have long experience of performing background checks on behalf of both private and municipal companies and authorities. With the right basis for decisions you will avoid unpleasant surprises and can focus on the development of your own business.


Event Security

At events such as fairs and concerts, it is important to have good preparedness and identify the risks that the activity may entail. Events involving large crowds should be seen as particularly risky environments, but with careful analysis of location conditions, personal flows, fire security, crime risks and the like, it is easier to identify, prioritize and manage unforeseen problems. Our security advisors have experience in intelligence service and physical security work and can give you full support in planning your event. We carry out both risk, threat and vulnerability analyzes as well as crime prevention work and help you develop an action plan for effective crisis management in the event of unforeseen events. Thanks to our knowledge and broad experience combined with our understanding of people's different needs, you can safely turn to us with questions within event security. By working closely together, we can create the conditions necessary for a successful event.

Personal Security

In order for people in vulnerable positions to feel secure in their daily operations, rules and procedures are required for reporting threats and violence. With a high risk awareness and preparedness, it will be easier to take the correct preventive measures that give affected persons maximum freedom of movement within certain limits while minimizing the risk of personal injury. Our security advisers have a police background and long experience of strategic advice and support in this area. We carry out risk and needs analyzes with complete surveys of workplaces, travel patterns, privacy, business relationships and more – all tailored to your specific needs. After analysis, we develop an action plan with a checklist that also includes concrete solutions in the form of, for example, armed bodyguards, guarding and other security equipment. We do not offer this kind of service ourselves, but we work closely with two security companies that have a wide range of services within this area.



The best defense of your business is its preventative work. Even better if the entire organization has adopted a security mindset, but it requires a humble approach. Not all problems can be solved, but knowledge provides a strong advantage. We want to give you the tools you need to minimize risks and solve problems that may still arise.

We would like you to be able to solve far more than half of the problems on your own to become less dependent on outside help. Our experienced security advisors offer tailor-made training courses and workshops focusing on everything from crisis management and self-defense to heart and lung rescue. We also offer courses with certified instructors in handling baton, handcuffs, firearms and pepper spray. Contact us for further information on how we can help you increase risk awareness and problem solving ability in your organization.


If you are in need of ongoing advice and support but lack security expertise in-house, you can sign a partnership agreement with us. You thus become our priority partner and can easily access our knowledge or contact us for consultation on various security issues. Through ongoing cooperation you can simply get quick help in emergency situations with measures that are well adapted to the specific needs of your business. We also give you the support you need in your preventative security work so that your operations can run as smoothly as possible.